This year’s show is produced by Lucille Conzo and directed by Jodi Capeless. The choreographer and associate director is Kimberly Galberaith, the musical director is Ed Ginter, and the set and lighting designer is Ryan Bell. The musical features a sizable cast of principal characters, supporting characters, and a large ensemble—all of whom will be impressing audience members with their outstanding singing, dancing, and acting talent.
42nd Street is a high-energy extravaganza set in 1933. This renowned musical tells the story of a naïve, young actress named Peggy Sawyer who wants to audition for a new Broadway musical, Pretty Lady. But due to her nerves, Peggy arrives to the audition late and misses her opportunity to join the show. With the help of other performers, Peggy catches the attention of producer/director, Julian Marsh, who gives her the chance to shine. When the show’s leading lady, Dorothy Brock, falls and breaks her ankle on opening night, it is suggested that Peggy steps up to be the star. In only thirty-six hours, Peggy learns twenty-five pages, six songs, and ten dance numbers. She may even find love along the way.
For a ticket order form, please click here. No cash will be accepted for pre-paid tickets; checks only. For more information on IHA’s production of 42nd Street please call the Main Office at 201-445-6800.