Immaculate Heart Academy

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Mu Alpha Theta and SNHS Induction Ceremony

Mathematics and science are just two of the numerous subjects in which students excel at IHA. To honor their hard work and dedication, the school hosted an induction ceremony on February 13, 2025, for the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) and Mu Alpha Theta, National Mathematics Honor Society. 

At the induction assembly, students were addressed by Miss Kerry Carroll '04, principal of Immaculate Heart Academy, and Mrs. Amy Baskin, assistant principal of academics. Emma McElroy '25, president of Mu Alpha Theta; and Ileana Asencio '25 and Cailtin Donovan '25, co-presidents of SNHS, led the ceremony, which also included the installation of new executive board officers for both honor societies.

Thank you to Mrs. Liz Kearns P'05, '08, '11, mathematics department chairperson and moderator for Mu Alpha Theta; and Mrs. Angela Holuba Roberts '05 and Mrs. Lauren Tereshko, science teachers and moderators of SNHS, for coordinating this special event.

Click here for photos of the induction ceremony, courtesy of Mike Hamlett Photography.

Congratulations to the 61 inductees listed below on their well-deserved honor!

New Mu Alpha Theta Members 

Grade 12
Zoe Sarno 

Grade 11
Riley Cannon
Elliott Daniels
Gabriella DellaVolpe
Christina Festa
Alana Flores
Ashlyn Gillespie
Jaylene Hernandez
Madelyn Hryniw
Ella Kovalcik
Madison Les
Danica Libanan
Meghan Long
Catalina Maglicic
Etain Moore
Mary Quinn
Isabella Ragone
Adrianna Rispoli
Gabrielle Rivera
Grace Sciortino
Olivia Valente
Victoria Zalewski 

New Science National Honor Society Members 

Grade 12
Grace Guglielmetti
Alexa Harding
Riley Ng-Knepper
Isabela Pereira

Grade 11
Daniela Ayala
Emma Bossbaly
Kathleen Brancato
Veronica Brenner
Alliana Campana
Riley Cannon
Elliott Daniels
Gabriella DellaVolpe
Isabella Duca
Christina Festa
Alana Flores
Ashlyn Gillespie
Angela Giuliano
Samantha Grella
Kathleen Hahn
Ella Kovalcik
Madison Les
Danica Libanan
Meghan Long
Catalina Maglicic
Roisin McLaughlin
Anne Moore
Etain Moore
Madeline Murphy
Katelyn Negrete
Gianna Polino
Mary Quinn
Isabella Ragone
Aiva Reid
Gabrielle Rivera
Grace Sciortino
Alexandra Sosa
Kylie Sullivan
Olivia Valente
Victoria Zalewski