Freshman and Sophomore students at IHA have two pathways (Option A or Option B) to select from in order to complete their service requirement. Junior and Senior students must complete the standard requirement pathway (Option A) to complete their service requirement:
Option A: Standard Requirement Pathway
Note: If a student misses or cannot attend one of the events listed, they will be re-routed to the traditional requirement for the year.
Students must register at the beginning of the school year for the IHA Service Sampler. They must also log all hours in MobileServe, and include photos and Ms. Ash’s email as supervisor.
Immaculate Heart Academy is a certifying organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. This award, given by the White House, recognizes students who complete more than 100 hours of service to the community in a calendar year that begins in April. Freshman students may use hours accumulated in the summer before they attend IHA for this award. However, those hours can not be used to suffice their IHA requirement. Incoming freshmen may not begin counting hours for the IHA service requirement until the start of the school year in September.
*This list is not extensive; all hours must fall within the definitions above. Please reach out to Ms. Ash with questions.
Students interested in social justice or volunteering beyond school requirements have the opportunity to get involved with CARE, a student life club that provides both Social Justice and Volunteerism initiatives. Additionally, a mission trip, Mission@theheart is held every other year for students of all grade levels.
The Service & Fundraising Policy is directed toward students, parents, faculty, alumnae, and non-profit organizations seeking to utilize the students or services of the IHA community for the purpose of serving or supporting a cause or effort. This also applies to all IHA clubs, organizations, and honor societies.
IHA will only participate in fundraising events that are facilitated by and vetted through IHA’s Office of Campus Ministry. Each spring, the Office of Campus Ministry will open an application to the entire IHA community, wherein individual students, moderators, and clubs may apply to run an all-school fundraiser for next year. The fundraising committee will vote on a total of four events for the upcoming school year. Those events will be the only fundraising events IHA will run for the coming year. Every group must reapply every year. Events are not guaranteed year to year.
IHA Athletics teams may run their own fundraisers once per season, but these must also be vetted through IHA Campus Ministry and the fundraising committee.
Exceptions will be made for adding dress down fundraising events for major world or community crisis events (i.e., natural disasters, the conflict in Ukraine). There will be only one dress down day or fundraising event given per major world event for the year. Paid dress down days are reserved exclusively for these purposes and senior class fundraising.
IHA will only fundraise under these guidelines for organizations that are in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church. IHA will not fundraise for other schools. IHA fundraisers cannot subsidize clubs or grade-level specific events, with the exception of senior class fundraising. IHA clubs may only fundraise through bake sales approved by the Assistant Principal of Students.
All requests for any fundraisers must be made through Ms. Ash, who will then take them to the committee. Contact Ms. Ash at